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    2022-2023 ADM FFA OFFICERS

    Our officers are elected annually in May via an interview, merit point standing, and chapter vote.


    President : Celia Kreifels

    Vice President : Sam Holloway

    Vice President : Halli Weddle

    Secretary : Tori Schmidt

    Treasurer : John Hoben

    Reporter : Kelsey Greenslade

    Reporter : Kendal Book

    Sentinel : Payton Taylor


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    Mrs. McKenzie Gettler


    Former SAE Project: Working at Timber Creek Therapies, an outpatient hippotherapy clinic where they use horses to assist in speech and physical therapy.


    Favorite CDE: Horse Judging of course!​


    Why did you become an Ag Teacher? 

    I initially graduated from college and worked in industry for a few years before deciding to go back to ISU to get my teaching license. I discovered when working with youth at my job that I really enjoyed teaching students within the context of agriculture. I also love all things FFA!


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    The Adel DeSoto Minburn FFA chapter was chartered in 2015.


    We currently have 107 active members in our

    ADM FFA Chapter in 2022-2023.


    Together as a chapter we like to support the organization by

    donating time to the local community and being a

    helping hand to our supporters!



  • Below is more information about each of our ADM FFA members:

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    To me, FFA was always something I was going to be involved in because my grandpa and uncles were involved as well as my cousins and I always thought it was a super cool organization to be a part of and I am extremely greatful to be able to serve as this year's chapter president.
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    Ag has opened up doors that I would have never even though of before joining FFA. I have gotten to be in many contest and have been able to go to farm shows and other things as well. FFA has also provided me with great teamwork opportunities such as serving on our chapter officer team.

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    FFA has allowed me to grow not only as an individual, but as a leader in many aspects. FFA and agriculture has shaped me into the person I am today. I have gained so many skills to better me in the future, and I have met my life long friends along my journey in this chapter.
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    FFA has taught me lots of personal life skills. Networking with new people and stepping out of my comfort zone has allowed me to have many opportunities. Agriculture is very important to my every-day life and I love being able to further agriculture and encourage others to do the same.

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    Through FFA I have developed leadership and agriculture-related skills. Through the 3 components of the ag ed model FFA has impacted my life not only in the classroom with the information I am learning but also my successful SAE I have been able to do throughout my time in FFA.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career sucsess, and preimer leadership. The FFA is a organzation operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    FFA has helped me with many things in life whether it is leadership skills, personal gorwth, or many other important life skills. I have made many relationships through FFA and it has provided me with many wonderful opportunities I wouldn't have gotten otherwise.
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    FFA has impacted me in so many ways. It has taught me how to speak in public better, it has pushed me to meet new people and has given me the opportunity to try new things. Ag has always been a big part of my life, but FFA has pushed me to explore more of my options in the world of agriculture.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career sucsess, and preimer leadership. The FFA is a organzation operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career sucsess, and preimer leadership. The FFA is a organzation operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career sucsess, and preimer leadership. The FFA is a organzation operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career sucsess, and preimer leadership. The FFA is a organzation operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    One skill I learned in Ag was evaluating soil which is the knowledge I will use in the future while pursuing my agronomy degree. I'm interested in not only an agronomy career, but also doing my own personal farming.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career sucsess, and preimer leadership. The FFA is a organzation operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    In the Ag classroom, my time management skills have improved. I am better able to spend and manage my time in order to get my work done. I choose to take an AG class this year because I am interested in Ag Power and Technology. So far my class has sparked my interest even more and has inspired me to learn more about AG.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career sucsess, and preimer leadership. The FFA is a organzation operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    Skills I have learned in FFA have helped me better my leadership skills to help me in my future. I took an Ag class so I could be in FFA.
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    I chose to take an Ag Class this year because I enjoy being in FFA and enjoy learning more about Ag. There are a lot of things about FFA that are important to me but just some things are getting to meet to new people and learn a lot of new skills. There are many things that you can participate in and everyone always makes you feel included. FFA really helps you in basic life skills and other skills as well.
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    I choose to take AG because I am interested in the industry. I enjoy the brotherhood and life long friends you make in FFA.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    I have gained so many leadership qualities after doing two years of Conduct of Meetings. I have learned how to do my part and make sure that I have it done and it's done well. I also have gotten better at public speaking and become more confident. I enjoy ADM FFA because I am not really a country kid I'm more city, but everyone has been welcoming, I have also found so many ways to get involved even though I don't have the same experiences as everyone else.

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    I enjoy ADM FFA because of the people and the community that comes with it. The energy and the amazing things that we do as a chapter is something I will never forget. I am so glad I chose to take AG class this year. I am in Animal Science, it is an amazing class to take and I have learned so many new things that I had to no idea about before this class. My big goal in joining FFA is to inspire kids to get up and do things that they may not have the chance to when they get older.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    I took an ag class because I want to go into veterinary medicine. I want to pursue veterinary medicine because I enjoy biomedical sciences and working with animals.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    I have learned how to be a leader in the Ag classroom. My SAE project is owning my own mowing business and this year I submitted a proficiency award.

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    I've learned leadership skills in the classroom and in FFA.
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    One of the reason I chose to take an Ag class this year was so that I could be in FFA. Being in FFA the past years has been very fun and made me a much stronger speaker and helped me gain leadership roles. I want to continue to grow those skills. Another reason was to continue to gain knowledge about agriculture and all the different aspects of the industry.
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    Getting to go to different events, meeting new people, and also missing school. To learn more about agriculture and the different industries within it. The most important part of FFA is learning about the different types of ag and learning different skills/ meeting new people to help me in the future
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    I chose to take an ag class to learn about the ways I can help the agriculture industry. I wanted to learn ways other than farming to help improve the agriculture industry. I am interested in pursuing the ag mechanics and engineering industry.
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    I chose to take ag to learn about plants, animals, future jobs/careers, industry, and to build better relationships with my peers. I've learned responsibility and respect as well as how to talk to new people as well as listen to them. I enjoy going to things such as the ag expo because it puts you outside of the classroom and expands your knowledge to more than just what you are learning in class. It puts you out in some real world situations you might not get to experience.
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    My current SAE project is my chickens. I am getting eggs from them and am selling them for $2 a dozen. I chose to take an ag class this year because I love getting to be in FFA and taking all the trips we take such as Greenhand Fire Up and National Convention.
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    I enjoy all of the new people that I meet and I enjoy the fact that I am able to leave school. I've learned how to ribbon testing of soil to see how much sand, silt, and clay is in the dirt. I've gained leadership skills by stepping up and helping when the FFA team needs help.
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    I have learned many skills in the AG classroom that I plan to use in the future, such as how to work with a team. I have learned how to be a good leader and lead a team to do a task or project. Overall working in the AG classroom has heavily improved my people skills and helped me get along better with my peers. The reason I chose to take an AG class this year was because I wanted to be in FFA and I plan to continue my AG career in college. AG classes are also really fun as well so Its totally worth taking plus you get to be FFA. Its overall really worth it due to all the things you learn and the fun projects you get to do.
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    The trips or different places we can go to experience agricultural and what role it plays in our lives. I've learned how each system in an animal works and what each organ is called and what it does for the body. I became a beekeeper, I started my first year of beekeeping as a freshman and now still continue to sell products. I'm planning to become a veterinarian in the future and animal science and biology can help me with knowing more in the animal agriculture.
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    I chose to be in an ag class this year because it is one of my favorite classes to take and it will help me pursue my post high-school education in agriculture, as well as I can stay involved in FFA. I feel welcomed in the ag classroom and I feel that the things we learn about are actually going to be useful in the real world, unlike some other classes I am required to take.
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    I chose to animal science this year because I am around animals a lot and I wanted to know more about them. My SAE project has help me make my own business and make money while doing something I like doing, it also has thought me the business side of things and how to deal with money and sales.
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    I enjoy FFA because I get to meet new people, and learn things in contest that I will use in my future career. In the Ag classroom, I am taking plant science. We have learned about the soil and what nutrients that plants need. This also helps with my future career since I want to take over the family farm.
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    I have leaned many things in the Ag classroom such as everyday things through learning activities but also when it comes to outside of school and how to better interact with others and be a responsible leader. Also, I love the fun facts the our teacher has taught us that I am able to teach others .
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    FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    I chose to take Ag this year because I'm very interested in Ag and want to learn more about it for my future career. In my class, I have learned how to maintain soil pH and what nutrients a few plants need. FFA is important to me because it can teach me leadership skills and it's fun.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    One thing that I enjoy about FFA is that I am able to spend time with my friends. I took an Ag class this year because I wanted to learn more about agriculture and animals! One way that makes FFA important to me is that it allows me to show my horses up until I am 21 which provides me with more fun experiences!
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    I chose to take an Ag class this year because I like to be able to participate in all the FFA activities. The Ag classes help me to learn skills which will be relevant in agriculture careers.
    Being a part of the FFA can help to apply those skills through contest like LDEs and CDEs.
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    The number one thing that I enjoy about ADM FFA is how it’s within the classroom and outside of the classroom. it takes up a lot of time but is extremely beneficial in all aspects that it may cover. I took an ag class this year because i’m genuinely interested, to further my knowledge in this specific field, and to be able to show for FFA in the summer.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    I chose to take an Ag class this year, specifically power and tech, because it sets me up with future skills for jobs I'm interested in. I learned about the different types of oils and viscosity in class. I use Ag classes to learn about Ag technology and equipment something I am interested in.
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    I chose to take an Ag class because I took one last year and wanted to continue doing this because I enjoyed it. I want to do computer sciences in industry making data.

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    I like leaning about plants and field trips. I have learned about types of soil which I will learn what plants to grow in Ag class.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    I like talking to the different people. I’ve learned ribbon testing. I took an ag class because I wanted to become and FFA member!
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    I have enjoyed ADM FFA because of the activities that we have done and they have been very engaging. I chose to take an AG class because it is something that interests me and it is something that I might pursue as a career.
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    I gained communications skills through our Conduct contest. I really gained confidence when I talk. FFA is a fun activity that you can do outside of school. It also has been a way that I get to spend time with my friends, and you get to skip a lot of school when you are in FFA.

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    What I enjoy most about FFA right now is just learning all sorts of new things about animals, ecosystems and agriculture in general. What's most important to me about FFA right now is just learning about new things about agriculture and how ill be able to use them in the future.
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    My biggest goal in the FFA Association is to leave the ADM chapter better than I found it. What I mean by this is I want to try to make it the standard that everyone is more involved with FFA activities. I chose to take an ag class this year because I knew that I would enjoy the class and I also knew that I would be able to get out of school for FFA events.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.

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    I like FFA because you get to make more and new friends and you get food. A skill I have learned In Ag is how to be more social and that is a skill that I will use for ever. My SAE project is doing lawn work for my grandparents. the future I want with this is to create my own lawn service.

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    I meet a lot of amazing and kind new people at things like FFA Conventions and CDEs. I have learned very important leadership skills in the AG classroom which is very important to have after high school when I have a job. I want my career to be in the ag field and this class also is a very social class and you can meet a bunch of cool new people from other schools who have the same interests as you.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    My biggest goal in the FFA is to learn more about natural resources ad how to preserve wild life. When I graduate I want to become an ecologist to preserve and protect the environment. I enjoy the FFA because I can meet people with similar internists as me and I have more opportunity to learn about my interests.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career sucsess, and preimer leadership. The FFA is a organzation operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    I enjoy hanging out with friends and going on field trips. I also enjoy learning new things about ag. I have learned leadership skills from ag it will help me with my future job.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career sucsess, and preimer leadership. The FFA is a organzation operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    I chose to take an ag class because I heard the teacher was really nice and you can learn a lot for the future in your life. I enjoy a lot in FFA and mostly the field trips because you get to get out of class but you also learn a lot and meet a lot of new people.

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    I like the field trips we take. I also like the science involved. I joined FFA because I thought the competitions were fun.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career sucsess, and preimer leadership. The FFA is a organzation operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    I like that we can go to a lot of different places for competitions and how we get to meet new people in every different place and we can see them for a long time to come. I took an ag class this year so I could get into FFA and so I could learn more about plants and animals to help me in the career that I want to do in the future.
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    My current SAE project is to make hay for my cattle and to sell some hay to make a profit and sell some cows or calves to make a profit and then to re invest back into my equipment and my herd. I have gained communication skills when doing a feed some while blind folded I had to tell my partner where to go even when he did bad but I had to communicate very well so we could do decent.

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    I enjoy the culture of FFA its fun to be around people that enjoy learning what I like to learn. And we are able to go on lots of field trips to learn more about Ag which those are also very fun! Some skills I have learned in the classroom that I will apply in the future are leadership skills, speaking skills, those are important because you will need those in your everyday life when you get older and some it is important to learn them now.
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    I enjoy getting to go to different events and on trips and getting out of school. My SAE has impacted me because I go to work more and make more money, and I choose to take it this year because my family works in animal science so I wanted to learn more about it and heard it was fun and a thing I would find interesting
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    In FFA, I enjoy the opportunities that we are given. I chose to take this AG class because it is something that I have always been interested in. The industry that I want to pursue is animal science.

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    I like FFA because I get to spend time working on projects, you get to skip some school. You also get to spend time with friends outside of school and in school. I chose AG class because I wanted to learn more about the outdoors. How I can be better at not harming the earth because I want to become a DNR officer or conservation officer when I get older as of right now.

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    In the ag room, I have learned how to communicate with other people. I choose an ag class this year to learn communication skills and learn more about animals.

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    I have learned more about cows and showing them. This has allowed me to spend more time and better connect with my dad. I took an AG class so that it would look good on my college application, so I can get into a heavily AG known college to become a veterinarian.
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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.
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    I enjoy leaving school for FFA, the events we go to are fun. I have learned to be a leader through AG. I love working with friends during AG, and making new memories.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.

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    FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.

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    FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.

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    FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.

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    FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.

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    FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.

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    As an ADM FFA member, we are informed of information that will promote personal growth, career success, and premier leadership. The FFA is an organization operated by students who strive to make a difference within the industry.

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    FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.